Written 2024-10-03
How savage the bite of that wicked winter wind
Whistling through bare branches and chiseling my skin
A new day’s dawn brings more of the same
Yet I’d wait here an eternity to see green again
Then one morning quite like the last
I notice a finger, a single blade of grass
Burgeoning through soil still yellow and cold
So there I kneel and give the warmth in my soul
Little did I know, it was not needed
A verdant plain grew as winter depleted
Even that barest of trees joined the show
Ready to blossom under Spring’s soft glow
Beneath that tree, I whooped and wept
For in the winter, when I should have slept
I’d laid in its roots, counting the stars
Saying, “be still my heart, for Spring shall be ours”
And ours it was, as the world sprouted to life
White blossoms that shone on the darkest of nights
The birds came to sing from their nest in the tree
And for a moment, I thought, “forever this shall be”
But all too soon, the sky grew black
Furious with storms, and thunder cracked
Too short was I to shield my tree
Helpless to watch as blossoms covered my feet
Though the storm did pass, only a few could cling
Those beautiful blossoms that boasted of Spring
On a quiet night, a soft rain came
And they too fell as crickets sang
In the wind they drifted away
No matter how madly I begged them to stay
And though I feasted on fruit that remained
Sheltered under green from the heat of the day
Summer itself must come to pass
It’s the changing of the seasons, for nothing can last
But as the leaves fall and trees grow bare
I hold onto hope that Spring comes once more